Report Damaged or Missing Road Signs
To maintain the safety and efficiency of our roadways, damaged or missing road signs must be reported promptly. If you come across any road signs that are damaged or missing, please get in touch with us at the following email addresses:
Mark Bolt, Building Official: mbolt@floydcova.gov
Patrick Turner, Building Inspector: Pturner@floydcova.gov
Andrew Hunter, Maintenance: ahunter@floydcova.gov
When reporting a damaged or missing road sign, please provide the following details to help us address the issue efficiently:
Location of the Sign:
Provide the nearest cross streets or a specific address.
Type of Sign:
Specify the type of sign (e.g., Stop sign, Yield sign, Speed Limit sign, Street Name sign).
Description of the Damage:
Beyond Repair: The sign is severely damaged and cannot be used anymore (e.g., heavily bent, cracked, or broken).
Pulled Out of Ground: The signpost has been uprooted or knocked over.
Missing: The sign is completely missing from its designated spot.
Additional Information:
Any other details that might help us understand the situation better (e.g., nearby landmarks, time of the incident if known, or any suspicious activities observed).
By reporting these issues promptly, you help ensure the safety of all road users and contribute to the efficient maintenance of our roadways.